

Friday, September 22, 2017





  Table of Contents

Article I.                     Name

                        Article II.                   Objective

                        Article III.                  Membership, Eligibility, Termination and Dues

                         Article IV.                 Officers: Their Election and Duties

                        Article V.                   Appointed Officers and Committees

                        Article VI.                  Meetings

                        Article VII.                Quorum

                         Article VIII.              Amendments

                        Article IX.                  Termination

                        Article X.                   Re-Instatement

                        Article XI.                 Order of Business

                        Article XII.                E-Mail List and Website

                        Article XIII.               Dissolution of the Chapter

                        Article XIV.               Policies and Procedures

    Mission Statement

As the first advocacy organization for Chamorro veterans based in the Nation’s capital, National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA) seeks to unite and organize veterans of Chamorro ancestry in the 50 states to leverage their political influence to work on behalf of the Chamorro people throughout the United States, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)

NOCVA, in its role as an advocate for the Chamorro veterans, will recognize and honor the service of Chamorro veterans, serve as their voice at national level veterans’ events and undertake initiatives to defend, protect and promote their rights.

NOCVA will raise awareness at the national level about the unique needs and interests of the Chamorro veterans as well as those of the Chamorro people.

        Article I.   NAME

The name of this organization shall be known as National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America Washington State Chapter as (NOCVA – WSC)


a.       Advocacy: Serve as the voice of Chamorro Veterans at State Level events, advocating on their behalf to defend their rights, protect their interests, and promote their achievements.

b.      Recognition and Appreciation: Honor the memory and service of Chamorro Veterans through commemorative events and initiatives and maintain a website that features information of interest to Chamorro Veterans.

c.       Outreach: Prepare informational presentations to Chamorro veterans to explain how the U.S. political process affects them; encourage active participation to leverage political power in order to influence legislation that affects them and the Chamorro people.

d.      Networking and Coalition Building: Establish a network of members throughout the 50 states, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands--connected by regional coordinators and linked nationally—to help share information effectively organize, and build coalitions with similar groups to build political power.

e.       Research and Analysis: Monitor services delivered by the government agencies and organizations that serve veterans to ensure that they are meeting the unique needs of Chamorro veterans; monitor current legislation for its impact on Chamorro veterans and develop appropriate response.

              Article III.  Membership Class, Eligibility, Termination and Dues

Section 1.    Membership Class: The membership Class of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter shall                                                                      consist of Charter, General, Associate, Honorary and Supporting member.

a.       Charter Members shall consist of the Regional Coordinators

b.      A General Member shall be a Chamorro by birth or legal act.

c.       An Associate Member is a Non-Chamorro Veteran married to a Chamorro. Member may hold office.

d.      An Honorary Member shall be a spouse of a deceased Chamorro Veteran.

e.       A Supporting Member shall be anyone willing to support the mission of NOCVA registered or not with the State of Washington. This includes a Chamorro veteran that is not registered to vote but is willing to support the mission of NOCVA. Member may hold office.

Section 2.    Membership Eligibility:

a.       A Chamorro veteran from any branch of the Armed Forces that was honorably discharged

b.      The Chamorro veteran is a voting residence of Washington State

c.       The Chamorro veteran is willing and able to participate and support the Mission of NOCVA at the National and State level.

d.      A Chamorro veteran that is not registered with the State of Washington to vote but is willing to support the mission of NOCVA.

Section 3.    Member in Good Standing:

a.       Abides by the By-Laws.

b.      Pays annual dues to the chapter.

c.       Participate in chapter activities and events.

d.      Maintains a respectful attitude towards all members and guests during chapter meetings.

e.       Attend Chapter meetings at minimum one of annual scheduled meetings.

Section 4.    Membership Termination:

a.       A member may resign or terminate membership at any time, either orally or in writing to any member of the Board of Directors.

b.      A member who is not actively participating for six months or is 3 months in arrears with payment of dues without a reasonable or justifiable cause may have his/her membership terminated.

Section 5     Membership Dues:

a.        Initial membership dues will be $25.

b.      The annual dues will be $20 starting on the second year and thereafter.

c.       All dues will be due on January 15th in cash or personal check.

d.      Except for extenuating circumstances, dues are not refundable in the event of resignation or termination of membership.

e.       Honorary members are not required to pay dues.

Article IV. Officers: Their Election and Duties

Section 1.   Officers: The officers shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Recorder, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms. Service Officer, Chaplain and Historian is a volunteer and appointed position by the President. Election of officers shall take place at the regular November meeting biennially, and such officers shall assume office at the next regular meeting in January.

Section 2.   Board of Directors:  The Board of Directors shall comprised of the above named elected officers, as well as three other members who shall be appointed by the president. These three appointed members shall serve for a period of one, two and three years; thereafter, one member shall be appointed each year for a term of three years. The Washington State Coordinators will also serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Term of Officers: The President, Vice-President, Recorder, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms shall hold office for a term of two years (but not more than two consecutive terms), until their successors are elected and installed. The Board of Directors shall be appointed from the general membership to fill any vacancy occurring between elections. Such appointees shall hold office until the next election.

Section 4.  Duties of Officers:


a.       Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the chapter and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of the chapter and the activities of the officers.

b.      Shall preside at all Chapter General Membership meetings.

c.       Shall preside at all Board of Directors meetings.

d.      Shall have the power to create or appoint committee(s) to facilitate the operation of the chapter.

Vice President:

a.       In the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President.

b.      Shall serve as the Event Chairperson.

c.       Shall serve as the Chapter Special Tribute Chairperson

d.      Shall serve as the Hospitalization Visitation Chairperson.

Recorder shall:

a.       Maintain the original copy of the Chapter Bylaws.

b.      Maintain a book of minutes of all meetings, general or special sessions.

c.       Maintain a roster containing the name, telephone numbers and address of each member.

d.      Maintain an attendance roster of chapter members present at each meeting.

e.       Maintain prospective members list.

f.        Submit news articles about the Chapter to national to be included in the NOCVA News Letter, when requested by the President.

Treasurer shall: 

a.       Have charge and custody of all funds.

b.      Maintain an accurate account of all financial business transactions.

c.       Exhibit financial statement of the chapter funds during general membership meetings or upon request from the Board of Directors and special meeting(s) if requested by the President.

d.      Shall communicate to the Recorder paid and arrear members of their dues after February 15th.

Sergeant at Arms shall:

a.       Maintain order and decorum at each event.

b.      Maintain order at each meeting, general or special.

c.       Follow up and encourage timely payment of chapter dues.

d.      Be First Aid-qualified.

Service Officer Shall:

a.       Be responsible for bringing to the attention of all veterans and their dependents the rights and benefits granted them by law.

b.       Must know how to utilize the expert services available with Veterans Administrations as well as those other agencies in his community.

c.       Shall visit dependents as soon as feasible after a veteran’s death.

d.       Shall attend all monthly/special meetings.

e.       Should consider being a chair to veterans affairs and rehabilitation and hospital visitation committee

Chaplain Shall: 

a.       Must be a person capable of moral and intellectual leadership and one who gives dignity and respect to the chapter.

b.      Should be in close contact with chapter officers

c.       Should attend all meetings

d.      Should visit the sick at hospital or home.

e.       Be of service to bereaved families of chapter members

Historian Shall:

a.       Be responsible for preserving and compiling the records of the chapter.

b.      There should be close and effective cooperation between the Recorder and the Historian.

c.       Make an outline for a One-Year Chapter Narrative History

d.      Submit news articles about the Chapter to national to be included in the NOCVA News Letter, when requested by the President.

Membership Coordinator Shall:

a.       The Coordinator shall keep an accurate Membership listing with the assistance of the Treasurer.

b.        Send “Welcome” letters to potential members with an ‘Invitation to join the Chapter.

c.       The Coordinator shall attend all Executive Board meetings.

d.       The Coordinator shall work in close harmony with the President.

e.       The Coordinator shall request from the membership potential member candidates.

Membership Coordinator: Position Description: The duties of the Chapter Membership Coordinator is to ensure membership is getting their meeting minutes, ensure that they are being informed of the upcoming meeting and events and to maintain their status as members by ensuring dues are being paid in a timely manner.

Specific Duties: The Membership Coordinator will maintain and keep the Chapter Membership Roster current. The Coordinator will make a report to the membership during all bimonthly general membership meeting and executive board meetings of the Chapter’s Membership status.

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall assume leadership in determining policies and activities of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter and act on matters referred to them by the President or membership. They will then submit the same to the membership for their approval. The duties of the Board of Directors shall also include:

a.       Assignment of budget responsibility.

b.      Authorization and requirement to inspect and approve payment of bills and expenses as submitted.

c.       Attendance in at least two Directors’ meetings per year; one in December for the purpose of wrapping up the previous year’s accomplishments; and the other in January to discuss lessons learned from previous year’s activities, as well as to plan events for the new year. Additional Directors’ meetings will be called as deemed necessary.

d.      Acting as Nominating Committee.

e.       Initiating impeachment procedures as deemed appropriate.

           Article V.  Appointed Officers and Committees

Section 1.  The President shall appoint the following, and any others deemed necessary, to properly carry on the functions of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter:

a.       Board of Directors (as per Article IV, Section 2)

b.      Publicity Chairperson and Committee

c.       Bereavement Event Chairperson and Committee

d.      Veterans Assistance Chairperson and Committee

e.       Historian

f.        Chaplain

g.      Service Officer

h.      Membership Coordinator

 Article VI.   Meetings

Section 1.  The regular meeting of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter will be held bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October, and November biennially.

Section 2.  The Special meeting in November, biennially, shall be for the purpose of electing officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.

Section 3.  Special meetings can be called by the President or by the Executive Board, or upon the written request of one-third of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter membership.
Article VII.   Quorum

Section 1.  Members present shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2.  The majority vote of those present shall rule. In the event of a tie, the presiding President shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 3.  In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Recorder and/or Treasurer shall call the meeting to order and immediately call for the election of a ‘President Pro Tem’.

                                            Article VIII.   Amendments

Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing, at the previous regular meeting, or mailed to the members at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Section 2.  The proposed amendment need the approval of three-fourth (3/4) vote of those members in attendance.

                                             Article IX.   Termination:

Section 1.  General/Associate/Supporting member shall be terminated when conduct is found to be detrimental to proper order of NOCVA principle mission and two-third (2/3) majority vote of regular members present.

Section 2.  Upon written request of resignation by the General/Associate/Supporting member him/herself.

Section 3.  Be convicted by civil court of felonious charges.

                                            Article X.    Re-Instatement:

Section 1.  General/Associate/Supporting member can request re-instatement only through a sponsorship by a general member and approved by two-third (2/3) majority vote of regular members in attendance.

                                           Article XI.  Order of Business:

Section 1.  At all membership meetings of the NOCVA Washington Chapter, the order of business will be in the following format:

1.      Call to order with a meeting prayer. Then Pledge of Allegiance.

2.      Roll Call by sign-in roster.

3.      Welcome of Guest(s) by respective member sponsor(s)

4.      Introduction of new members

5.      Report of the President

6.      Report of the Vice President

7.      Report of the Treasurer

8.      Report of the Recorder

9.      Report of the Sergeant at Arms

10.  Report of Historian

11.  Report of Service Officer

12.  Report of Membership Coordinator

13.  Report of the Committees

14.  Unfinished Business

15.  New Business

16.  Announcement(s)

17.  Adjournment

A.    New business items shall be presented to any Executive Officer no later than one week in advance of the scheduled meeting for inclusion in the agenda.

B.     The minutes of the last meeting shall be mailed or emailed to all the members within two weeks after a meeting, in lieu of being read at the subsequent meeting.

C.     If any member did not receive the minutes via email or regular post office mail, the minutes will be read during the meeting.

Section 2.  At the meeting of the Board of Directors, the order of business, unless otherwise directed by the majority vote of those present, shall be as follows:

1.      Report of Officers

2.      Report of Committees

3.      Unfinished Business

4.      New Business

                                              Article XII.  E-Mail List and Website:

Section 1.  Chapter E-Mail Distribution List.  All members’ email address are on the Chapter e-mail distribution list. The Chapter e-mail list shall be used to disseminate Chapter information such as minutes of Chapter meetings, agenda and notices of meetings and messages concerning chapter business. The e-mail list shall not be used to send jokes, chain letters, and political or religious messages.

Section 2.  Chapter Website. The website is maintained by the webmaster. The webmaster shall send any request to place a link on the Chapter’s website for approval by majority of the Board of Directors. No links shall be made to a commercial site. Links must conform to the Purpose of the Chapter’s Bylaws. 

Article XIII.   Dissolution of the Chapter

Section 1.  Dissolution. The Chapter may be dissolved at any time by written consent of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members. The membership of the Chapter shall be notified of the proposed dissolution by mail or e-mail. In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter, other than for the purpose of reorganization, whether voluntary or involuntary, or by operation of law, none of the property of the Chapter, nor any proceeds thereof, nor any assets of the Chapter shall be distributed to any of the members of the Chapter; but after payment of debts of the Chapter, its property and assets shall be given to a charitable organization selected by two-thirds (2/3) majority of all voting members present.

Section 2.  The incumbent-President of the Chapter will submit an Application for Articles of Dissolution to the State of Washington Secretary of State per RCW 24.03.240 if applicable. This action will dissolve the Chapter from the State Registry of Nonprofit Organization.

Article IX Definitions

Veteran: Served in the any of the branch of the Armed Services and was honorably discharged. If medically discharged and receives a VA service connected disability stipend, the time limit is not applicable.

Supporting Member: Shall be a Chamorro by birth or legal act but is not registered with the State Washington to vote.  

                          Article X.  POLICIES AND PROCEDURES:


SECTION 1.  National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in American requirements;

a.      To maintain good standing with National, annually submit to the Board:

-          a list of elected Officers;

-          a list of Members

-          a request for tax exemption status under the aegis of the Association or evidence of separately obtained tax exemption

-          a cash flow statement

-          the above should be accomplished in the month of January annually.

b.       Whenever requested by the National Board:

-          Meeting Minutes

-          Treasurer’s Report

SECTION 2.  State of Washington Secretary of State:

-          Nonprofit Corporation Annual Report with required Filing Fee.

-          This report will be accomplished in the month of the Washington State Chapter was registered with the State of Washington which is November 25, 2013.

SECTION 3.  Department of Treasury

-          Submit annually Application for Recognition of Exemption, Form-1023 to the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service.

SECTION 4.  Navy Federal Credit Union

-          Requirement to establish account; Fill out bank account application, Presidents makes out a delegation letter for person(s) assigned to have access to account, Employer Identification Number assignment letter and person(s) delegated access to account must be present during account application initiation.

-          Whenever person(s) are changed because of term ending the bank account application must updated with a new delegation letter.


The installation ceremony should be a special event for the officers to remember.

Needed:          Small Table, no chairs


                        Four (5) candles

                        Master of Ceremonies

Setup:  Put the table in an area with space around it. Place the tablecloth on the table and put one candle at each of the four corners, one in the center.

MC: “To those of you who accepted the offices of the NOCVA Washington State Chapter, we ask that you step forward (New officers step forward.) Now will the rest of the membership present form a circle surrounding your new officers. (Pause while people gather.)

MC lights the first candle and says, “The first candle represents the Sergeant at Arms. In holding this office you will maintain order and decorum during meetings and other chapter events; you will enforce timely payment of chapter dues. (Name of Sergeant at Arms), do you accept this responsibility?” MC hands Sergeant at Arms the first candle. Sergeant at Arms then recites the Oath of Office established in the By-Laws.

The newly installed Sergeant at Arms remains standing while holding the lit candle.

MC lights the second candle and says, “The second candle represents the Treasurer. In holding this office you will handle the monies to keep the chapter operating smoothly by keeping all the bills paid and the dues collected. You will need a lot of patience to maintain your dignity during this year. (Name of Treasurer), do you accept this responsibility?” MC hands Treasurer the second candle.  Treasurer then recites the Oath of Office established in the By-Laws.

The newly installed Treasurer remains standing while holding the lit candle.

MC lights the third candle and says, “The third candle is that of Recorder. You will handle all correspondence, record and maintain the minutes of all meetings and serve as custodian of all chapter documents, including the Constitution and Bylaws. Proper documentation of club proceedings and the maintenance of all chapter records are essential to the working of a well-run chapter.  (Name of Recorder), do you accept this responsibility?” MC hands Recorder the third candle.  Recorder then recites the Oath of Office established in the Bylaws.

The newly installed Recorder remains standing while holding the lit candle.

MC lights the fourth candle and says, “The fourth candle represents the Vice President. Hopefully, you will have an easy year backing up the President. You will be available to assist whenever needed at all times. (Name of Vice President), do you accept this responsibility?” MC hands Vice President the fourth candle. Vice President then recites the Oath of Office established in the By-Laws.

 The newly installed Vice President remains standing while holding the lit candle.

MC now lights the fifth candle and says, “The fifth candle represents the President. Your job is far from an easy one. The responsibility of keeping harmony and enthusiasm in the chapter lies with you. Not enough can be said about how important this is. Do you accept this responsibility? MC hands the President the last candle. President then recites the Oath of Office established in the Bylaws.

The MC continues, “now that you have accepted these offices, your real journey for the next 2 year has just started. Like the light that your five candles produce, you can accomplish miracles; but if any one of you lets your candle go out, the club will suffer.”

Now the MC turns to the chapter members and says, “It is your responsibility to be available to do whatever the officers ask of you. It takes every single member to make our Chapter successful. Do you accept your responsibility?” All reply in unison in the affirmative. MC says, “Congratulations to each of you. ”The newly installed officers blow out candles. End of ceremony

In accepting the Office of _____________ I __________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of The NOCVA Washington State Chapter.
I promise to execute, with unquestionable dignity and integrity the duties of this office to which I have been duly elected.
I do hereby state my vow to abide by the Robert’s Rules of Order and to promote close unity, friendship, peace and harmony among my fellow officers, members, supporters and friends as well as to perform all duties to the best of my ability, so help me


Tinayuyut Miting

Meeting Prayer

Saina, antes in tutuhon este na miting, man tachu ham gi me’nan-mu. Giya hagu na’senbula na’gatbon ma’na’na, yon na tahdong I karinu-mu nu hami.

Lord, before we go into this meeting, we still ourselves before you. For you are filled with beauty and light, and care deeply about us.

Ayuda ham mu-ekungok, antes di ma’kuentusi

Help us to listen, before speaking.

Ayuda ham mu-kumple yan komprende I taotao, antes diun fa’tinas I kao’san mami

Help us to fully understand these people, before making our case.

Ayuda ham mu’na bali yan agradesi I grupu ni para ben fan ali’e, antes di un hasso I interes yan I pinadesin mami.

Help us to value and appreciate the ones we are about to meet, before thinking of our own concerns and anxieties.

Na’fanila I kandet-mu gi ya hami
May your light enfold us.

Giha ham ni espiritu-mu
May your spirit guide us.

Yon na’I ham ni abundante yan grasia-mu para hami
May your grace abound in us.

Este ha’ tinayuyut mami. Amen
This is our prayer. Amen

President’s Choice: Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the members, officers and the NOCVA Organization and continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of our Che’lu Chamorro Veterans and associates. We ask these things in your name, AMEN.

P&P 04.          The NOCVA Washington State Chapter Bereavement and Hospitalization Protocol


Extending The Chapter’s Assistance Program, Condolences and Get Well Wishes to our fellow Chamorro Veteran, relative and friends.

When: Whenever a chapter member is notified of a fellow Chamorro Veteran, relative and friend that has               passed away or hospitalized.

When a member or Community Focal gets information of a passing away or hospitalized 

Fellow Chamorro Veteran, relative and friend, please use the ‘Personal Inquiry’ sheet to gather all the information before communicating it out.

 How: By extending our NOCVA Bereavement Program to the family.

By attending the Rosary or Mass Services and extending your personal condolences and also on behalf of The NOCVA Washington Chapter.

By just sending a Sympathy Card on behalf of The NOCVA Washington Chapter.

A volunteer NOCVA member to visit hospitalized person, extending the NOCVA Washington Chapter Get Well Wishes.

The Community Liaison shall be a Volunteer NOCVA Member assigned by name.

The Community Liaison shall delegate his duty to another NOCVA member if he/she is going to be out of State.

The Community Liaison shall make his/her absence known to NOCVA Chapter Chairperson for Bereavement / Hospitality.

 After Action:

Bereavement/Hospitality Chapter Liaison are encouraged to give an after action report, preferred method, is in writing or may do so verbally during the next chapter meeting.

If reimbursements is to be requested, please have a receipt available for the expenditure you have incurred. This should be settled at the next general membership meeting or by contacting the Bereavement/Hospitality Liaison before the meeting.

Personal Inquiry:

________________________   _________________  _____________ _____________________

 First Name                                 Middle Name              Last Name                   (Maiden Name)

_______________________Family nick name (Chada)

Rosary:                       POC: _____________________________________________

                               Date / Time: __________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________


                                                Tel # ________________________________________

Church:          Date/Time for funeral Mass: _________________________________

Address: __________________________________________


Funeral Home:    Viewing Date / Time: _____________________________________


Address: _____________________________________

                                                     Tel#:  _____________________________________

Hospital Data:              Address: _______________________________________________



                                                Tel#: ________________________________________

                                            Room#: ________________________________________

Name of Member Taking Inquiry: _________________________________________

Community Focal Contacted: _____________________________________________




 P&P 05.         NOCVA Event Introduction and Closing Statement:

 Hafa Adai! And Good Evening everyone.  We are the Washington State Chapter for the National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America – NOCVA for short with Headquarters in our Nation Capitol.  We are privileged and honored to dedicate this Special Tribute to a Chamorro Veteran, who was called to his/her Eternal Rest by our Heavenly Father. 

In a moment, we will begin this Special Tribute* entitled: “Che’lu, We Remember You”.  (Call all Veterans to please stand, when all are standing) Presenters will begin the Prayer Poetry starting with the English version followed by the Chamorro version, alternately. (After the completion of the Tribute, give the Command) “Veterans Attention” (then give the Command) “In Slow Cadence, Present Arms” (Hold Salute for a count of ten (10) then give the Command) “In Slow Cadence, Order Arms” (after the salute, give the command) “At Ease”, please sit.

This concludes NOCVA’s Special Tribute to our Brother (Sister) in Uniform, a Chamorro Veteran, who had served his/her Country Faithfully, Honorably with Distinction in Protecting Our Nation’s Way of Life of Freedom with Liberty and Justice for all people.  We want to thank everyone here for your patience and understanding and especially to the family for giving us the opportunity to dedicate this “Special Tribute” in Honor of: (enter the rank, full name, branch, status and the name of the village in the island).  Adios, Todos Hamyu Yan “Dangkulo Na Si YU’US   MA’ASE”.

P&P 06.           We Remember You* / Them* Presentation:

We Remember  You…………..Gi Memorias mu

En  HaHasso Hao

In the rising of the sun and as it sets…

Gi kinahulo’ i atdao yan i tumunok ña

We remember you,

En HaHasso Hao

In the blowing of the island breezes, and in the sparkling ocean waters…

Gi guinaifen i fresko manglo’ gi isla’ ta yan gi mina’lak i hanom tasi

We remember you,

En HaHasso Hao

In the blueness of the sky, and in the warm sands of the beach..

Gi inasut i langhet yan i minaipen i inai gi kanton tasi

We remember you,

En HaHasso Hao

In the beginning of the year and, when it ends…

Gi tinituhon i sakkan yan esta i finakpo’-ña

We remember you

En HaHasso Hao

When we are lost and sick at heart…

Gi malangu’ta yan gi piniten i kurason’ta

We remember you,

En HaHasso Hao

So long as we live, You too shall live, For you are now a part of us…

Mi’entras man lala’la ham, hagu lokkue’, Lala’la sa’patte hao gi ya hami

                                                                        We Remember You

BROTHER (SISTER), we remember you always. Without the sacrifice you gave and your service in the military, we will not be Bless with your Grace from GOD, Our Heavenly Father. Brothers and Sisters our memories lingers until we are united once again

En HaHasso Hao

Chelu’ en hasso hao todu I tempo. Kumo ti i sakrifisiu’mu yan i setbisiu’mu gi militat, ti un na i ham ni grasian Yu’us Tata. Memorias Chelu’ esta ki man dana’ it talo.

Based on “We Remember Them” by Rabbi R.B. Gittelsohn, adapted from a prayer by Rabbis S. Kamens and J. Riemer. NOCVA national coordinators further adapted the prayer to reflect the island heritage of fallen Chamorro soldiers for memorial prayer used in the first Chamorro Veterans Commemoration Ceremony held in Washington D.C. on 24 March 2012. Chamorro translation made in collaboration with the Regional Coordinators of the Washington State Chapter.

 We Remember Them

Ta Hasso Siha

In the rising of the sun and as it sets…

Gi kinahulo’ i atdåo yan I tumunok na

We Remember Them,

Ta hasso Siha,

In the blowing of the island breezes, and in the sparkling ocean waters…

Gi guinaifen I freskon manglo’ gi isla ‘ta yan i mina’lak i hanom tasi

We Remember Them,

Ta hasso Siha

In the blueness of the sky, and in the warm sands of the beach.

Gi I inasut i langhet yan i minaipen i unai gi kanton tasi

We Remember Them,

Ta hasso Siha

In the beginning of the year and, when it ends…

Gi tinituhon I sakkan yan esta i finakpo’-ña

We Remember Them

Ta hasso Siha

When we are lost and sick at heart…

Gi malingu-ta yan gi piniten I kurason-ta

We Remember Them,
Ta hasso Siha

So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us…

Mi’entras man låla’la’ ham, hamyo lokkue’, man lala, sa’ påtte håmyu gi ya hami
We Remember Them.
Ta hasso Siha

BROTHER (SISTER), we remember you always. Without the sacrifice you gave and your service in the military, we will not be Bless with your Grace from GOD, Our Heavenly Father. Brother (Sister) our memories lingers, until we are united once again.

Chelu’ en hasso hao todu i tempo, kumo ti i sakrifisiu’mu yan i setbisiu’mu gi militat, ti un na i ham ni grasian Yu’us Tata. Memorias Chelu’ esta ki man dana’ it talo.

Should you be in need for further service or have question(s) that you need assistance with, please do not hesitate to call on one of us.

Antonio LeonGuerrero                360-280-8523           

Anthony Aguon                             360-250-9002           

Roberto T. Maañao                      360-970-1194           

Roy Leon Guerrero                                    253-241-5448           

Atanacio (Ace) Untalan              253-961-7325                   

Presented by: ___________________________    Date: _________________

(Attach ‘We Remember You ‘ poetry with this letter)

P&P 07.          Process for Coordinating NOCVA Presentation at a Chamorro Event:

A.    When invited or hear of a Chamorro Event;

1.      Record the name of the event

2.      Research for a Point of Contact (POC), obtaining an address, home/cell phone & email

3.      Make contact with POC and have the Where and When of the event 

B.     Communicate to the POC our NOCVA Mission

1.      Explain to POC or group the NOCVA Mission & Vision

2.      Ask if we could be a part of their program or given an opportunity for at least a 10 minute presentation

3.      When approved have the event added to our NOCVA Calendar of Events.

C.     After NOCVA Presentation; Thank the POC, group, organization membership for us the opportunity and time in introducing NOCVA to the Chamorro Community. Ask interested individuals to come see us at our table for more information on the subject. 

D.    After Action of the Event

1.      Coordinators that attended the event will have a critique of our presentation, and present it at the next NOCVA meeting right after the event.

2.      Collect all personal data from interested individuals and hand over to the Recorder to update the Roster.

3.      A letter written to the group or organization “Thanking Them” again for making NOCVA a part of their event and signed by all the attending Coordinators.

P & P 08.  Our Chapter will reside the Pledges of our flags; the U.S.A. will be resided in every membership meeting, Guam and Common Wealth of the Northern Marianas may be resided after the U.S.A.


Inifresi (Offering - Chamoru pledge)

Ginen i mås takhilo’ gi hinasso-ku
I mås takhalom gi kurason-hu,
Yan i mas figo’ na nina’siña-hu,
Hu ufresen maisa yu’
Para bai prutehi yan hu difende
Ni’ irensiå-ku direchu ginen as Yu’os Tåta,
Este hu afitma gi hilo’ I Bipblia yan I Banderå-hu,
-I Banderan Guåhan.

...In English...
From the inner-most recesses of my mind,
From deep within my heart,
And with all my might,
This I offer.
To protect and defend
The Beliefs
The Culture
The Language
The Air
The Water and The Land of the CHamoru.
My heritage come directly from God,
This I affirm on the Bible and my Flag
- The Flag of Guahan.


 Name: ___________________________________________________________


Mailing address: ___________________________________________________


Home phone: ______________________________________________________


Cell phone: ________________________________________________________


Email address: _____________________________________________________

If you do not have an email address, please list email address of relative

(for example, son or daughter) or friend who can receive electronic info for you.


Originally from: ____________________________________________________


Family nickname: ___________________________________________________


Military Experience

Branch of Service: ______________________________________________


Dates of Service: _______________________________________________


Would you like to submit a military photo and brief bio of yourself to be posted on the

Members Forum section of the NOCVA website? Check one: Yes _____ No ______


Please submit this completed form (and photo and bio if you choose) to the following:

As email attachments to:


As paper copies to:    NOCVA

                                    11704 Cygnet Drive

                                    Waldorf, MD 20601


Note: NOCVA will not release your personal information to anyone or any group without your knowledge or permission. Information about you, through your membership in NOCVA will be limited only to what you submit for publication on our website (such as your bio and photo) or through your participation in a NOCVA sponsored public event (such as a commemoration ceremony). Information submitted on this form will be kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only (for example, number of members living in North Carolina, Texas, California, etc), to contact you about NOCVA events, or to send you information of interest as a NOCVA member.



Name: ________________________________________________________________________________


Mailing address: _______________________________________________________________________


Home phone: __________________________________________________________________________


Cell phone: ____________________________________________________________________________


Email address: _________________________________________________________________________

If you do not have an email address, please list email address of relative/friend

(Example: son or daughter or a friend who can receive electronic info for you.)


Originally from: ________________________________________________________________________


Family nickname: ______________________________________________________________________


Military Experience


Branch of Service: ______________________________________________________________________


Dates of Service: ________________________________________________________________________

The initial membership dues for the first year is $25.00 and then it will be $20.00 annually thereafter. Thank you, “Si Yu us Ma a se” for supporting your Washington State Chapter of NOCVA, ‘Chamorro Veterans Helping Chamorro Veterans’

As email attachments to:

As paper copies to: NOCVA Washington State Chapter

                                  c/o Roberto T. Maanao

                                  3036 Marquette Dr SE

                                  Olympia, WA 98503

Note: NOCVA Washington State Chapter will not release your personal information to anyone or any group without your knowledge or permission. Information about you, through your membership in NOCVA Washington State Chapter will be limited only to what you submit for publication on our website (such as your bio and photo) or through your participation in a NOCVA sponsored public event (such as a commemoration ceremony). Information submitted on this form will be kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only (for example, number of members living in Washington, Texas, California, etc), to contact you about NOCVA events, or to send you information of interest as a NOCVA member.