

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Pending update...

Chapter Officers and Coordinators

Roberto T. Maañao 360-970-1194

Roy Leon Guerrero, 253-241-5448,
Vice President

Gloria Mantanona, Secretary/Recorder

Treasurer, Frank Agulto

Sergeant-At-Arms, Joseph Leon Guerrero

Current Events

Hafa Adai NOCVA-WSC Members and Guests!

The next general membership meeting will be held Thursday, June 15, 2023, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Sacred Heart, Hallen Hall, 812 Bowder St SE, Lacey, WA 98503. 

Members, fellow veteran's, spouse, children and guests, are cordially invited to attend.

Please share our blog site with our Chamorro veterans, spouse, and children. We appreciate your assistance in creating awareness and encouraging participation.

Thank you, gracias, yan dankulu na si Yu’us ma’ase.

“Chamorro Veterans helping Chamorro Veterans.”


Meeting Minutes


National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA)

Washington State Chapter-

Face Book:

General Membership Meeting Minutes – April 20, 2023 – 7 PM

              Sacred Heart Hallen Hall, 812 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA 98503


National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA)

Washington State Chapter-

Face Book:

General Membership Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2020 – 7 PM

               Asian Pacific Cultural Center, 4851 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409


1.       Meeting was called to order by President Robert Maanao at 7 p.m.

ATTENDEES:  President Robert Maanao, Vice President Roy Leon Guerrero, Treasurer Frank Agulto and wife Elizabeth, Sergeants At Arms Robert Quenga and Joseph Leon Guerrero, Recorder Gloria A Mantanona, Benny Flores, Benny Salas, Ursula Leon Guerrero, Leonard Duenas, Robert Barefield, Chaplain Henry Miner, Robert Taitano, Vin Tainatongo, Joe Quenga, Tom and Maria Tanguileg, Julian and May Mendiola, and Gary and Cindy Almoguela, Laling & Jim Hanley


2.      SWORN-IN OF OFFICERSSergeant-At-Arms Robert Quenga sworn in the following officers into 2020 & 2021 Term; Roberto Maanao, President; Roy Leon Guerrero, Vice President; Gloria Mantanona, Recorder, & Frank Agulto, Treasurer to be sworn in on the next meeting.


3.      OPENING PRAYER: Chaplain Henry Miner:  Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we gather for this meeting.  Help us to engage in a meaningful discussion, allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.  Fill us with your grace as we make decision that might and will affect us.  Continue to remind us that all that we do and accomplish is for the pursuit of truth, for the greater glory of You, and the service of our community.  We ask these things in your name, AMEN.


4.      Pledge Of Allegiance to the Flag: Sergeants-At-Arms Joe Leon Guerrero and Robert Quenga led the members and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


5.      Prayer and Special Intention: For our Armed Forces around the world, families with unemployed providers all those who are struggling to make ends meet. For our Chapter members, whose jobs take them away from their families; may they stay safe and return home soon.  For families who have experienced personal losses, as a results of terminal illnesses, accidents, wars, and natural disasters.  For continued diplomatic negotiations toward world peace, particularly in the Middle East, Africa, and Korea, and wherever our military forces are deployed.  For the protection of religious liberty. Prayers for:  Manuel G. Sablan Sr., Joe Salas, Ben Salas, Annie Quitugua, Joey Matanane, Mike Mafnas, Mike Cruz, Aida Quitugua, and Paul Young. The repose souls of Norbert Flawau, Cristina Manibusan, Eugene Ramon Leon Guerrer, Annie Cruz, and Dee Pablo.  In thanksgiving for the many graces and blessings we take for granted.


6.      Welcome new members/Guest: Gary Baker, James Hanley and Ramon Pocaigue.


7.      Report of the President: (Roberto Maanao):  Thanked the members for their attendance as it really means a lot to have a meeting with several members present.  It is quite a challenge when there are a few.  Frank Agulto is the treasurer and will be sworn in for another two years.  He is doing such a fantastic job with the reports and the agenda also include the last meeting minutes.  He also thanked the members for the confidence given to him to vote him into being the President again.  He stated that most of us is not getting any younger and we will need someone with a passion to keep our Chapter going strong.  He also emphasized that he needs the members’ help in getting more member(s) into the Chapter.  The Chapter does not seem to be getting new members – “we gain a few, then also lose a few.”  He urged the members to get younger generations involved.


8.      Report of the Vice President / Hospitality Chairperson (Roy Leon Guerrero):  Please notify Roy LG (via Email, Text, or Phone) if anyone has passed away or has been hospitalized. We will need contact name and phone number relative to the deceased or hospitalized person.  It does not matter if the person is a chapter member or not.   Also, please notify Roberto of any changes to your home/Email address, phone numbers, etc. Vice President Leon Guerrero ordered another sets (100) lapel pins.  He will make sure to get the receipt for posting to the financial report.  President Maanao further mentioned that when anyone donates, monies will be counted in.  He, in turn, made a donation of $100 to the Chapter during this meeting.


9.      Treasurer’s Report: (Frank Agulto) (See attached Treasurer’s Report).  Frank elaborated the report as follows:

We made $3,600 for raffle and dinner dance.  There were $635 donations counted for profits.  All monies accounted for in the current balance totals $13,673.46.  We have all the individual monthly financial statement in the binder for anyone who wants to get a copy.  They are consolidated, record straight, and reconciled from September 9, 2018 to Feb 2020. 

a.      Navy Credit Union Checking Account Balance Statement ending February 8, 2020,  Checking balance $13,000; YTD Dividend $3.47

b.      2018 Dues Paid by futi Lui & Joe Velasco, 2019 Dues paid by Joe Velasco & Tony Perez, 2020 Dues paid by Roberto & Robert Maanao, Tony Perez, Gary Baker and James Hanley.

c.       Donation/Patch/Lapel Pin/50/50 Raffle: $50.00

d.      Annual donation to APCC for use of facility: $125.00 20 Feb 20)

e.       Annual donation to Fisher House JBLM: $100.00 (16 Nov 19)


10.   Recorder’s Report: (Gloria Mantanona).  President Maanao mentioned that unless there is a request to read the minutes, we will have it approved to save time.  The minutes were previously distributed twice prior to this meeting. 

a.      Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2019 was sent out via email to all members with email addresses on Sunday January 17, 2020. Those five members without email address was sent their minutes via land mail on January 20, 2020.

b.      A motion was made to approve the minutes by Roy Leon Guerrero. Gary Almoguela seconded, and the minutes was approved as presented via email.


11.   Sergeant at Arms Report: (Robert Quenga / Joseph Leon Guerrero).  Joe Leon Gerrero reported that he brought different magazines, e.g. Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marine for everyone’s reading enjoyment.


12.   Historian Report: Robert Quenga and Leonard Duenas.  Robert Quenga reminded that if members have any pictures of any NOCVA events to please share them by posting those pictures in the NOCVA Facebook.  This is also a good tool for recruiting new members.  Also, a reminder that if there is any Veteran, be member or not, who passed away, notify him so he can contact the family for a tribute presentation. President Maanao added, on tributes, he finds it inappropriate to recruit new members under the circumstances.  There are applications on the table available for recruitment of new members and urged for members to take some.  He also emphasized that NOCVA chapter is not a social club.


13.   Service Officers Report: (Tony Aguon & Gloria Mantanona).  Tony Aguon is not present at this meeting. 


14.   Membership Coordinator Report: Roberto Maanao who is also a Membership Coordinator urged the members to please be active in getting new members into our Chapter. This is a Chapter effort.  Currently, there are 117 members listed and 22 of these are Honorary members which are non-paying dues members.  There are 15 listed members that are very behind in their dues.  Letters were sent out requesting for them to stay active and pay their initial membership dues again.  There are 8 listed members that are still pending their initial membership dues.  These members were also sent letters for reminders of their dues. President Maanao has sent letters for people that he has not seen around for sometime.  Three came back undeliverable which indicted that these members may have left the State.  For the people that have not paid for quite a while, letters were also sent indicating he does not want to lose them as members.  He requested for them to reactivate their membership so they can pay their initial dues as opposed to two years or so membership dues.  This was done intentionally to motivate them and not financially burden and pay to be active again.  California has an issue to form their chapter but is spread out all over the state.  We, in Washington are lucky to have all the military people close by. 


15.   Report of the 2019 Veterans Day Dinner Dance (VDDD) Committee:  President Maanao commended Pete Matanane, his wife and all the groups for an outstanding contribution of food preparation and also to the members who donated foods, time and effort which led to the success of the event.  “From the financial report, it is very short and detailed.  When we went into the donated expense report which is $2,977.32,  these were the donated expense from people who brought the dishes.  That was a lot of donation was over $1900.  If we didn’t have these donations and expenses added,  it would have cost us almost $5,000.  With that said, we would not have over $3,000 profit reported earlier by the Treasurer.  So, I thanked all the volunteers for a good job.  The bad news:  “I was reading what the State’s requirement for a banquet permit because we have beer in there. I found out that beer cannot be donated which has been done in the past.  When we apply for a banquet permit, we are bound to be inspected by the State.  Luckily, for the past two years, we were not inspected.  If inspection was conducted in our past events and found out about the beer, event will be shut down and reimbursements to the attendees will have to be made.  In other words, this requirement will have to be abided by on our future events.  Of the dinner and raffle tickets sold, part of the reason why we are not high on number was because it was late on getting the tickets to pass out to the members for distribution.  Hopefully, this will not happen on this coming event.  We have people donated from raffle winnings that’s why we can see $875 was paid out.  Expense for the raffle was supposed to be $1,000.  Names of People are listed who donated a total of $615.  Before the event, we have $8,900.  By the end of the event, we have over $13,000 which is great with money in the bank.  If we ever hit $50,000 in one event in a year, this will be reported to the State which is impossible to happen anyway.”.

a.      Veterans Day Dinner Dance 2020, do we want to continue the event in an annual basis.

b.      We would like a Co-Chairperson volunteer to Chair 2021 event.

c.       2019 VDDD Event report in separate sheet.


16.   Unfinished Business:

a.      Head gear suggestion was for the color blue and garrison style.  It was agreed for the blue garrison cap and President Maanao brought his sample.  He asked members for input.  We will stay with the blue garrison cap.  Baseball cap is not for casual because we need to be more formal when we do tributes.  Further research will be made and asked to bring this matter up on the next meeting for final voting.  Comment was made that members not directly participating the tributes can also attend wearing the NOCVA’s traditional white shirt/black pants then the head gear to show their presence.  Robert Quenga made a comment that he has seen the most membership presence on this meeting.  If there are ideas/recommendations on the blue garrison cap, it is best to make that motion right then.  Motion was made by Robert that blue garrison cap as the official headgear for NOCVA members.  This was seconded by Joseph Leon Guerrero.  Motion was approved as presented.  Robert Quenga will further research the place and cost for emblems. 

17.   New Business:

a.      NOCVA Family Appreciation Picnic on August weekend.  This will be held at President Maanao’s residence.  Another meeting for ideas to be announced.  Gloria Mantanona raised a question regarding the two events this year – Appreciation picnic in August and Veterans Day Dinner Dance in November.  President Maanao explained that the initial plan was to take a break and not to have the Veterans Day Dinner Dance this year.  His feedback from people was to have it again this year.  He asked Pete Matanane’s support and Pete agreed.  Bob will chair and asked for volunteer to co-chair.  Date of picnic is tentatively the third week of August.

b.      Member Scholarship Program to Children or grandchildren of active members.  This was brought up to the National on the last teleconference.  One of the attendees commented that it was a challenge and President Maanao agreed.  This will entice membership to commit to stay in on at least when the student has gone through college.  This maybe applicable for members who has high school kids.   This subject may have a potential in the future but is an information only at this time and cannot be put into a motion.  Also, there is a fund limitation when this is approved.

c.       Transportation Service for our Chamorro Veterans.  President Maanao has his daughter’s Honda Odessey van in his possession and is holding to use for NOCVA purposes only.  It will be used by members who are in need of transportation temporarily.  The idea is to have it as a part of NOCVA.  The plan is to have it registered, put a logo, and have it advertised for those who are in need of transportation.



18.   Announcements:

a.      Please pay membership dues during the year c/o Roberto Maanao at 3036 Marquette, Drive SE, Olympia, WA 98503

b.      NOCVA-WSC Patch available for purchase from Tony Aguon or President at $10 per patch and Lapel Pin for $3.00 members $5.00 for non-members.  President Maanao stated to make a part of the new members to have a lapel pin free of charge.  As members agreed to this, Roy Leon Guerrero made a motion that new members have a lapel pins.  Leonard Duenas seconded, and the motion was approved.

c.       Free Breakfast for veterans’ family & friends at Muckleshoot Casino March 21, 2020 from 9:30 - noon.

d.      Motorcycle Riders, join the Che’lu Riders Club, 2nd Sunday of February, April, June, August & October

e.       Please become members of the Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC)

f.        Members please register or submit a claim to VA let me know so we can make a note in our member


g.       VA Benefits Presentation.  Robert Quenga was happy to announce he finally received adjudication as service-connected disabled Veteran, and this was because he received proper guidance from Rochelle Mantanona.  Rochelle is a Veteran Service Representative from the VA Regional Office.  She made some presentations in 2019 highlighting claims for the benefit of our Chamorro Veterans especially those who are not familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding filing a claim.  Gloria will ask her to make another presentation in lieu of the NOCVA meeting scheduled in June.  Rochelle volunteered her time in 2019 for this presentation and requested that more members/non members attend the presentation.  Rochelle’s email address is and prefers that communication be made through this address.  Robert Quenga added that he sought guidance from Rochelle who went over and reviewed his record.  The biggest plus that he said about her was “Rochelle knows the language of the VA, she knows the language of the VA claims processes, and that is a huge plus.   She knows the language more than people at the Amvets, she knows the language more than people at the VFW.  It is because that’s her job.  I went from 10% for years to 90%.  An hour of my time and an hour of help from a person volunteering to help us, I went from 10% - 90%.  If you know anyone who needs help out there, and you never know, and you can’t tell if you’re going to get it or not, and neither can she because your claim has not gone through the process yet but not knowing the process at all, you get 0%, so don’t procrastinate.  Finally, I got it done and look at how much benefits I possibly lost over the 20 years of procrastinating.”  Robert Maanao also added that once you see her and you want to submit your claim, he suggested to submit claims through the State VA and put their claim through them because there’s always somebody present to assist instead of going through service officers at American Lake VA e.g. the American Legion, Amvets or other service organizations.  His experience was he went to the State and he only waited less than five minutes.  Appointments are not needed through the State VA.  Also if you’re being treated at the VA, record is already available with them.  Talk to people which has already gone through the system because they know how it works.  Month of June would be a good time for Rochelle to make a presentation for an hour around second week when NOCVA meeting is normally scheduled.

h.      Access to Base Exchange and Commissary.  A question was asked again for eligibility to these facilities.  Veteran has to be 0% - 100% service-connected, not military retired,  to have access to base exchange and commissary except for health care (Madigan).  Veterans will need to have their VA ID card updated to effect the eligibility.  This eligibility has been in effect January 2020. 

i.        MAC Flights from Guam to Seattle.  Flight schedule is twice a week. This is for non retirees and also 100% service-connected veterans (not retiree). 


19.   50/50 Raffle Winner:    Gloria Mantanona      Total Collected: $ 87         Donated: $87        Chapter Fund:$ 


20.   Next Meeting: April 16, 2020


21.   Meeting Adjournment: 8:21 p.m.




Transcribed by:  Gloria A. Mantanona                                                                                                                                                                        

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Meeting Agenda

National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA)

Washington State Chapter –


General Membership meeting Agenda – April 27, 2023 7PM -9PM

Sacred Heart Hallen Hall, 812 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA 98503


1.      President calls the meeting to order at ______pm.

2.      Meeting Prayer: (If Chaplin is not present, the Vice President will recite the prayer) Heavenly Father, we come to you today, asking for your guidance, wisdom and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the members, officers and the NOCVA Organization and continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of our Che’lu Chamorro Veterans and associates. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

3.      Pledge Allegiance to the Flag: Sergeant-At-Arms (Joseph Leon Guerrero)

4.      Prayers and Special Intentions: For our Armed Forces around the world, families with unemployed providers, all those who are struggling to make ends meet. For our Chapter members whose jobs take them away from their families; may they stay safe and return home soon. For families who have experienced personal losses, as a result of terminal illness, accidents, wars, and natural disasters. For continued diplomatic negotiations toward world peace, particularly in Middle East, Africa, Korea, and Ukraine/Russia and wherever our military forces are deployed. For the protection of religious liberty. Our prayers out to: Paul Young, Dan Cruz, Joey and Ann Benito, Mike Mafnas. The repose souls of +Aida Quitugua,+ Manuel G Sablan Sr, +Joe Salas, +Joey Matanane, +Jesus Pangelinan, +Jesus Cruz, +Delores Young, +Rudy Queja, +Manny Perez, +Daniel Cruz, and +Francisco Atoigue. In Thanksgiving for the many graces and blessings we take for granted.

5.      Welcome new members/guest: Gary Baker, James Hanley and Ramon Pocaigue

6.      Report of the President: I have to thank Frank & Liz Agulto our Treasurer for keeping up with the Treasurer’s report during NOCVA-WSC inactive period. I will need the membership to assist in getting new members. NOCVA-National is gearing to more chapters activated and Roy Leon Guerrero is heading this project along with folks and chapters.

7.      Report of the Vice President / Hospitality Chairperson: Please notify Roy LG (via Email, Text, or Phone) if anyone has passed away or has been hospitalized. We will need a contact name, and phone number relative to the deceased or hospitalized person.  It does not matter if the person is a chapter member or not.   Also, please notify Roberto Maanao the President of any changes to your home/Email address, phone numbers, etc.

8.      Treasurer’s Report (Frank Agulto)

a.      Navy Credit Union Checking Balance Statement ending April 8, 2023, Checking Balance $14,982.89; YTD Dividend $.75

b.      2023 Dues paid: Tony Quitugua, Paul Young (& 2024) Robert SC Maanao, Roberto Maanao, Tony Perez

c.       Donation: Roberto Maanao $100

d.      The Annual Report for NOCVA-WSC is now $20 annually.


         9.  Recorder’s Report (Gloria Mantanona)

a.      Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2020 was sent out via email to all members with email addresses on Wednesday April 19,2023 for membership review.

b.      If no request for the Recorder to read the minutes, a Motion from the floor needs to be made to approve Meeting Minutes as presented via email.


10.   Sergeant-At-Arms Report: (Joseph Leon Guerrero)(vacant)


11.   Historian Report: (vacant)Robert Quenga was our Historian, but have decided to retire and do a lot of traveling with his RV and he presently in Guam. It would be good to get a volunteer from the membership to fill this spot.


12.   Service Officers Report: (Gloria Mantanona/Tony Aguon)


13.   Membership Coordinator’s Report: (Roberto Maanao)

a.      Members Please be active in getting new members into our Chapter. This is a Chapter effort.

b.      We presently have 104 listed in our roster, 4 are supporters and 20 of these are Honorary members which are non-dues paying members. In total we have 80 paying members in our roster. We all know that there are more Chamorro veterans in Washington State and this is why we need your assistance in getting them to be members of NOCVA


14.   Unfinished Business:

a.      A Motion was made by Robert Quenga that blue garrison cap as the official headgear for NOCVA members.  This was seconded by Joseph Leon Guerrero.  Motion was approved as presented. This is presented to remind members of the Member approved head gear. Please search for the cap in amazon.


b.      I Roberto Maanao, Roy Leon Guerrero, Frank Agulto was nominated as President, Vice President, Treasurer respectively and Gloria volunteered to continue as Recorder for 2020 & 2021 term. Since the Chapter was inactive from 2020 to 2022. Do we move forward with the same officers?


15.   New Business:

a.      Resume Chapter donation of $100 annually to Fisher House.

b.      Donate to Sacred Heart Church for the use of the Hall as Meeting place.

c.       Sponsor the Che’lu Riders Club into our Chapter.

d.      Do we know of a veteran that would need assistance in cleaning up the yard, repairing a car, needing transportation to an appointment etc. This exposes the Chapter to our Chamorro population.

e.      Create a Color Guard for the Chapter

f.        We can use more members to be involved in the Tribute Team.

g.      Set for virtual meetings for members that are far away or up in age for night driving.

h.      Guam Liberation Celebration Event, instead of the Veterans Day Event for Chapter Fund Raising.

i.        New Business from the floor:


16.   Announcements:

a.      Please pay membership during the year c/o Roberto Maanao at 3036 Marquette Drive SE, Olympia, WA 98503

b.      NOCVA-WSC Patch available for purchase from Tony Aguon or President at $10per patch and Lapel pin for $3.00 for members and $5.00 for non-members.

c.       We will have our meetings at this location for the remainder of 2023. Members if know of place in Tacoma that will not cost the Chapter a lot to have 5 meeting a year, please share that information with the president.





     16. 50/50 Raffle winner: __________________Total Collected: $_______ Donated: $_______ Chapter Fund $______


    17.     Next Meeting: June 15, 2023 @ 7:00 to 9:00 PM, same location.


    18.    Meeting Adjourned at ___________ PM




Prepared by: Roberto Maanao, President

National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA)

Washington State Chapter General Membership Meeting Agenda- November 17, 2016 – 7 PM

               Asian Pacific Cultural Center, 4851 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409

1.       Call to Order: President Roberto Maañao                                                Start Time: ________ PM

2.       Meeting Prayer: Henry Miner.

3.       Pledge Allegiance to the Flag: Roberto Maañao and Tony Aguon “Inifresi”

4.       Prayer and Special Intention: For our Armed Forces around the world, families with unemployed providers all those who are struggling to make ends meet. For our Chapter members, whose jobs take them away from their families; may they stay safe and return home soon.  For families who have experienced personal losses, as a result of, terminal illness, accidents, wars, and natural disasters.  For continued diplomatic negotiations toward world peace, particularly in the Middle East, Africa, and wherever our military forces are deployed.  For the protection of religious liberty. Prayers for, Mike Duenas, Joe Salas, Dan Taisipic, Ben Salas, Joe San Nicolas, Mae Quichocho, Annie Quitugua, Judy Myers, Joey Matanane and Francisca Matanane. The repose soul of +Antonio Acosta LeonGuerrero, +Gloria Taitano Salas

5.       Welcome new members/Guest: Please welcome our new members; Juan Nangauta Naputi, Anthony Cepeda Mendiola, Benny Naputi, Vicente Ignacio, Jesus Mafnas Cruz, Damazo Anderson Damian and Roland Concepcion.

6.       Report of the President:

a.       The President Roberto Maanao and Joseph Leon Guerrero managed the NOCVA booth during the Talofofo Fiesta and able to get 6 new members, also presented some Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin with Proclamation and sold a NOCVA Lapel pin to a member.

b.       The President have worked hard in getting the membership to get dues updated. So far has been very successful in collecting past dues, present and advance (2017). Please note that we should have a position in our Chapter under the heading of Membership Coordinator and appointed by the President.

c.       President have paid our Annual Report for UBI #603361183 via on line The fee is $10.00 annually, paid with Chapter Cash Card

7.       Report of the Vice President: (Roy Leon Guerrero)

a.       Provide Members with our Brochures

b.       Update of our BlogSpot: (

8.       Treasurer’s Report: (Atanacio Untalan)

a.       Navy Credit Union Account Balance Statement ending September 8, 2016 Checking balance $2,754.85; Dividend $0.11

b.       Annual Dues Paid: $380.00 (this for 2016 and some include 2017)

c.       6 New Members; $150.00 Juan Naputi, Jesus Cruz, Damaza Damian, Vicente Ignacio, Anthony Mendiola, and Roland Concepcion

d.       Purchased Patch: $6.00 2 each Lapel Pin

e.       Annual Report to Secretary of State, annual fee of $10.00

f.        Purchased 14 each Challenge Coins for Special Tributes $111.86 via Chapter Visa Card.

9.       Recorder’s Report:

a.       Meeting Minutes of September 15, 2016 was sent out via email to all members with email addresses on Friday, November 4th. Those (7) without email address was sent out via snail mail.

b.       The Recorder will read the minutes if membership request it to be read.

10.   Sergeant at Arms Report: (Manny Sablan)

11.   Historian Report: (Pete Eustaquio) To any members take took photos during our annual picnic, please send copies to the President. Looking for photos relative to the presentation of the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin & Proclamations

12.   Service Officers Report: (Tony Aguon) Claims Application; Resubmission of Claims; Claims related to death; Process of new claims.

13.   Report of the Committees:

a.       Veterans Day Dinner Dance 2017, Roberto Maanao (Chairperson) Robert Quenga Entertainment, Joe Manalisay Food, other committee members are Pat Pineda, Jim Barefield, Manny Sablan Tony Aguon

b.       Special Tribute/Veterans Assistance (Tony Aguon, Robert Quenga & Gloria Mantanona) President Roberto Maanao setup Special Tribute for +Tony LeonGuerrero

14.   Unfinished Business:

a.        Continue Vietnam Era Veteran & DoD to be recognized via Commemorative Partner                                             

b.       NOCVA-WSC to sponsor 2017 Veterans Dinners Dance committee to meet soon to start planning.

I received confirmation from Lou Champaco that the San Dimas Group will continue to sponsor the Veterans Day Dinner Dance.

c.       NOCVA National is in the planning stage of holding their first national convention fund raiser at South Point Casino & Spa in Las Vegas in October 25, 2017, President will be in attendance and encourage membership to attend to support our Chapter, more information is forthcoming.

15.   New Business:

a.       We need a Chairperson and committee to for our Chapter 3rd Annual Family & Friends Picnic, this is scheduled for August 19, 2017 at Holiday Park McChord Field JBLM

b.       Approval for Membership Coordinator position and appointed by the President. If approved will be added on to our By-Laws.

c.       Approval from membership present to again donate a monetary amount for the use of the room with APCC.

16.   Announcements:

a.       Please pay membership dues; c/o Roberto Maanao at 3036 Marquette, Drive SE, Olympia, WA 98503

b.       NOCVA-WSC Patch available for purchase from Tony Aguon or President at $10 per patch

c.       The Guam High School 1967 Graduate 50th Anniversary Reunion is set for San Diego in September 18 – 24, 2017.

d.       Next meeting is on January 19, 2017, APCC at 7:00 PM (NOCVA-WSC:

e.       Free Breakfast for veterans’ family & friends at Muckleshoot Casino December 17, 2016 from 9:30 - noon.

f.        Motorcycle Riders, join the Che’lu Riders Club, 2nd Sunday of February, April, June, August & October

g.       Please become members of the Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC)

h.       Executive Board Meeting January 12, 2017 at 6:00 PM at Roberto Maanao Residence.

i.        Members please register or submit a claim to VA let know so we make a note in our member roster.

17.   50/50 Raffle Winner;                                               Total Collected;               Donated;                         
Chapter Fund:   
18.   Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at ________ PM                                         






Prepared by: Roberto T. Maañao, President                                                                                      



National Organization of Chamorro Veterans in America (NOCVA)

Washington State Chapter General Membership Meeting Agenda- May 19, 2016 – 7 PM

               Asian Pacific Cultural Center, 4851 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409



1.       Call to Order: President Roberto Maañao                                                              Start Time: ________ PM

2.       Meeting Prayer: Henry Miner.

3.       Pledge Allegiance to the Flag: Roberto Maañao and Tony Aguon will lead of the ‘Inifresi’

4.       Special Intention: Prayers for Dan Taisipic, Annie Quitugua, Ike Toves, Judy Myers, Joey Matanane and Francisca Matanane. The repose souls of Vincent Ortiz and Julia Blas

5.       Welcome new members/Guest: Gloria Aris Mantanona

6.       Report of the President: Las Vegas NOCVA Conference report held on April 25th & 26th;

7.       Report of the Vice President: (Roy Leon Guerrero)

a.       Provide Members with our Brochures

b.       Update of our BlogSpot: (

8.       Treasurer’s Report: (Atanacio Untalan)

a.       Navy Credit Union Account Balance Statement ending March 14, 2016 is $1412.68; Dividend $0.06

b.       Annual Dues Paid: Mike Bamba, Manuel Borja (3 years, good up to 2018), New member: Gloria Aris Mantanona

c.        Purchased Patch: 2 each ($10) by Benny Flores

9.       Recorder’s Report:

a.       Meeting Minutes of March 17, 2016 was sent out via email to all members with email addresses.

b.       The President will read the minutes if membership request it to be read.

10.     Sergeant at Arms Report: (Manny Sablan)

11.     Historian Report: (Pete Eustaquio) Photos taken during our first annual Family & Friends NOCV-WSC Picnic and the Veterans Day Dinner Dance. We are hoping that Pete will share some of the photos to members and also for our BlogSpot.

12.     Service Officers Report: (Tony Aguon) Claims Application; Resubmission of Claims; Claims related to death; Process of new claims.

13.     Report of the Committees:

a.       The President will maintain inventory of Special Tribute Challenge Coin (On Hand – 6 ea. Used 8 ea)

b.       Special Tribute/Veterans Assistance (Tony Aguon – Tony Leon Guerrero) Vincent Ortiz

c.        Annual NOCVA-WSC Family & Friends Picnic

14.    Unfinished Business:

a.       Organizational Pin (Roy LG) was introduced at Las Vegas Conference accepted as National pin

b.       Application for the Vietnam War Commemoration Commemorative Partner Program we are accepted

c.        Annual NOCVA-WSC Family & Friends Picnic, Chairperson, area volunteers



15.     New Business:

a.       NOCVA-WSC Veterans Day Dinner Dance in 2017 Chairperson/Committee

b.       VA Hospital Visit POC

c.        Gloria Aris Mantanoña to be nominated as Recorder for NOCVA-WSC

d.       Recruit Regina Naputi as Chamorro Veteran widow & widower Service Officer



16.    Announcements:

a.       Please pay membership dues; c/o Roberto Maanao at 3036 Marquette, Drive SE, Olympia, WA 98503

b.       NOCVA-WSC Patch available for purchase from Tony Aguon at $10 per patch

c.        The Guam High School 1967 Graduate 50th Anniversary Reunion is set for San Diego in 2017.

d.       Next meeting is on July 21, 2016, APCC at 7:00 PM (NOCVA-WSC:

e.        Free Breakfast for veterans’ family & friends at Muckleshoot Casino June 18, 2016 from 9:30 - noon.

f.         Motorcycle Riders, join the Che’lu Riders Club, 2nd Sunday of February, April, June, August & October

g.       Please become members of the Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC)

h.       Executive Board Meeting July 10, 2016 at 7 PM at Roberto Maanao Residence.


17.    50/50 Raffle Winner;                                        Total Collected;               Donated;                     Chapter Fund:   


18.    Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at ________ PM                                        


Prepared by: Roberto T. Maañao, President                                                                                      *not paid dues